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Invisible Illness:
Ripple Effects
a Graphic Novel

February 15, 2023

with Special Guests 

Jordan Hart (Creator, Writer, Colorist)

Barbra Dillon (Editor- in-Chief Fanbase Press)

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Jordan Hart (Creator/Writer/Colorist)

Jordan Hart (creator/writer/colorist)
Jordan Hart is a writer with published work across multiple types of media, including
humor articles, short fiction, and comic books. Jordan’s first graphic novella, Terminarch,
a story about the enduring appeal of art after an android revolution, was released in 2016.
From 2017 to 2018, his horror miniseries, Doppelgänger, was published along with his
sci-fi graphic short story, “Emergence.” The initial concept for Ripple Effects came to
him shortly after he was diagnosed with an incurable blood-clotting disorder. A life-long
fan of comics, he went to his first comic convention as a seven-year-old in the party room
of a bowling alley. You can find Jordan digging through long boxes at every Southern
California comic convention or on Instagram at @jordyjordith.  

Barbra Dillon (publisher, Editor-in-Chief - Fanbase Press)
Barbra Dillon is the co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Fanbase Press, an Eisner
Award-nominated publishing company and geek media outlet that seeks to
produce new and distinctive works that give voice to the themes, ideals, and
people that make “geekdom” so exceptional. She also serves as an Advisory
Board member and Co-Coordinator of Programming and Marketing for The
Latinx Comic Arts Festival.  Outside of the comics community, Barbra is the
Director of Marketing Operations for Gemelli Biotech, as well as an award-
winning voice-over actress with credits including The Katniss Chronicles (Katniss
Everdeen) and Pendant Audio's Phantom Canyon (Clara).

Barbra Dillion (Publisher, Editor-in-Chief- Fanbase Press) 

Barbra Dillon (publisher, Editor-in-Chief - Fanbase Press)
Barbra Dillon is the co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Fanbase Press, an Eisner
Award-nominated publishing company and geek media outlet that seeks to
produce new and distinctive works that give voice to the themes, ideals, and
people that make “geekdom” so exceptional. She also serves as an Advisory
Board member and Co-Coordinator of Programming and Marketing for The
Latinx Comic Arts Festival.  Outside of the comics community, Barbra is the
Director of Marketing Operations for Gemelli Biotech, as well as an award-
winning voice-over actress with credits including The Katniss Chronicles (Katniss
Everdeen) and Pendant Audio's Phantom Canyon (Clara).


Ripple Effects

Ripple Effects explores life as a superhero with an invisible and incurable disease.  It's like The Incredibles meets the dramedy, 50/50.

In a world that is no stranger to superheroes, George Gibson is invulnerable to physical harm but fights every day to stay alive.  Suffering from an acute case of type 1 diabetes, his invincibility is offset by a defective pancreas that must be monitored and treated daily.  This incurable disease makes George's body both his greatest strength and his eternal weakness.  

What sets this series apart is a positive, person-first representation about life with a chronic disease . . . which just so happens to also include superhuman abilities.  But, Ripple Effects isn't just a story about a character with an incurable disease. It’s also a thrilling and relevant superhero tale that touches on the difficulty of finding a work/life balance, the class struggles and economic inequality experienced by many in our nation, and the desire to help others during trying times.

Issues #1-5 of Ripple Effects was released digitally through Hoopla in 2022. The series will also be collected into a printed trade paperback which will be released on November 15, 2022.

Ripple Effects

Questions? Contact Barbra Dillion (Editor-In-Chief Fanbase Press)

©2022 by Speaking in Spoons: A Chronically ill Podcast. Proudly created with

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